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Menyelami HTML5/Pasukan Penyumbang Teks Sumber

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Menyelami HTML5
Intaian, Jolokan dan Petunjuk HTML5 Pasukan Penyumbang Teks Sumber

Teks sumber disumbangkan oleh Mark Pilgrim dan pasukan Diveintomark. Pasukan ini terdiri daripada:

  1. Jesse Noler
  2. Jonathan Neal
  3. Kenneth Reitz
  4. Paul Irish
  5. Tantek Çelik
Dive Into HTML5 elaborates on a hand-picked selection of features from the HTML5 specification and other fine standards. We encourage you to buy the printed work — Mark Pilgrim’s artfully titled “HTML5: Up & Running” — published on paper by O’Reilly, under the Google Press imprint. Your kind and sincere feedback is always welcome, and this work shall remain online under the CC-BY-3.0 license
—Pengarang, Perenggan pertama <span="plainlink">Dive Into HTML5